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20 Jul 2021
3 min read



The Ferrero Group (Ferrero), a global leader in the sweet packaged foods market, has published its 12th Sustainability Report updating on its progress towards its sustainability goals. 

Covid 19 – A Challenge for All

Despite the challenges presented by the global pandemic, Ferrero adapted successfully, putting the health and safety of its employees and consumers at the forefront of its efforts. A critical focus has been to protect workers and farmers in its agricultural supply chains, especially in less developed markets. Amongst many other initiatives, Ferrero has extensively distributed information on preventative measures to stop the virus from spreading and provided access to protective and hygiene equipment.

The impacts of Covid-19 have changed our business and our industry, and they continue to be felt globally. Despite these challenges, the Ferrero Group successfully adapted, and prioritised consumer and employee health and safety. I would like to thank all the Ferrero employees and partners who have pulled together over the last year to continue to deliver for our customers while supporting the communities we are proud to be part of.” said Giovanni Ferrero, Executive Chairman of the Ferrero.

Highlights from the 2020 sustainability report

Ferrero has continued to work towards its 2020 Group sustainability goals, aligned to its four key pillars: protect the environment, source ingredients sustainably, promote responsible consumption, and empower people. It has also begun to define new commitments and targets that will drive further progress across the period leading up to 2030.

Beyond manufacturing, protecting workers and farmers in agricultural supply chains was a key priority, especially in less developed markets. Our partnerships and collaborations have proved invaluable to reaching those in need of support. As we close out our 2020 goals, we are proud to have met our target to source 100% sustainable cocoa through independently managed standards. We have now extended the target to include outsourced chocolate to provide full transparency of our cocoa supply chain. We continued to source 100% RSPO certified segregated palm oil and we are developing a transition roadmap for the newly acquired Companies toward our responsible sourcing standards.” said Lapo Civiletti, Chief Executive Officer of the Ferrero Group.

One of Ferrero’s new ambitious targets is to continue to significantly reduce the Group’s carbon footprint by 2030 as part of the group's environmental company policy. 

These are science-based carbon targets, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in December 2020, with the following commitments:

  • Ferrero will reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% globally by 2030, using 2018 as the base year. 
  • Ferrero will also reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions intensity by 43% per tonne of product produced at a global level, using 2018 as the base year.

Highlights from across Ferrero’s four key pillars:  

  • Ferrero has achieved its goal of sourcing  its cocoa 100%through certification and other independently managed sustainability schemes and 100% certified cane sugar through Bonsucro and Altromercato. 
  • Ferrero purchased 100% green electricity for its manufacturing plants in Europe in Fiscal Year 2019/2020, and 71.5% of the electricity purchased globally was from renewable sources. Renewable energy is critical to Ferrero’s efforts to achieving its carbon reduction goals.
  • In 2019, Ferrero announced a commitment to make 100% of its packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025, as part of its support for the circular economy. As of 2020, we have achieved 82.9% and we continue with our strong commitment to fulfilling this journey
  • Ferrero has continued to build on its efforts over the past decade to enhance its human rights approach, which has been delivered through collaboration with leading experts to identify human rights risks and build out its due diligence approach, as well as entering partnerships to scale positive impact, such as with Save the Children.


История Ferrero началась в 1946 году в маленьком городке Альба в Пьемонте (Италия). Ferrero является одной из крупнейших компаний по производству сладких упакованных продуктов, в ассортимент которой входит более 35 всемирно известных брендов, представленных более чем в 170 странах. Группа Ferrero радует потребителей по всему миру своими уникальными продуктами, такими как Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac® и Ferrero Rocher®. Более 47 тысяч сотрудников создают высококачественные продукты Ferrero, которые сделают ваши особые моменты незабываемыми. Семейная культура Ferrero, уже в третьем поколении, основана на стремлении к качеству и совершенству, сохранении традиций и заботе о планете и сообществам, в которых мы работаем.