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17 Nov 2017
2 min read



Ferrero signs Frameworks for Action to end deforestation and restore forest areas in cocoa producing countries Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.

At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn on 16th November 2017, the Ferrero Group committed to the Frameworks alongside other chocolate and cocoa companies, with the aim to improve forest protection and restoration, sustainable cocoa production and farmer livelihoods.

As part of these Frameworks in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, the chocolate and cocoa industry will put in place verifiable monitoring systems for traceability from farm to the first purchase point for their own purchases of cocoa. The industry will also work with the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana to ensure an effective national framework for traceability for all traders in the supply chain.

“Ferrero is committed to working on the challenges to end deforestation in the cocoa sector, as well as implement key principles and strategies that underpin socially and environmentally sustainable cocoa production” said Aldo Uva, Open Innovation and Chief Operation Officer Strategic Business Units of the Ferrero Group.
This latest commitment is an important milestone for Ferrero and evidence of its dedication to a sustainable and responsible cocoa supply chain. It follows the signing of the New York Declaration on Forests by the United Nations, which Ferrero committed to in 2014, and the Cocoa and Forests Initiative in March 2017.

At the same time, Ferrero remains dedicated to its ongoing work to map 100% of its cocoa supply chain to farm-gate level, as well as its partnerships to improve the livelihood of farmers and their communities with partners like Save the Children and Fairtrade & Cooperative Union ECOOKIM.

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, Ferrero continues to engage in certification programmes, institutional engagement and projects and partnerships, with the aim to safeguard the future of the cocoa sector, supporting and improving cocoa farming sustainability.

История Ferrero началась в 1946 году в маленьком городке Альба в Пьемонте (Италия). Ferrero является одной из крупнейших компаний по производству сладких упакованных продуктов, в ассортимент которой входит более 35 всемирно известных брендов, представленных более чем в 170 странах. Группа Ferrero радует потребителей по всему миру своими уникальными продуктами, такими как Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac® и Ferrero Rocher®. Более 47 тысяч сотрудников создают высококачественные продукты Ferrero, которые сделают ваши особые моменты незабываемыми. Семейная культура Ferrero, уже в третьем поколении, основана на стремлении к качеству и совершенству, сохранении традиций и заботе о планете и сообществам, в которых мы работаем.