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29 May 2015
1 min read


Ferrero Hazelnut award contest

Ferrero Hazelnut Company, recent business structure bringing together all the hazelnut supply chain activities of the Ferrero Group, one of the market leaders of the confectionery sector and the third worldwide Group in the chocolate confectionery market, launches “FERRERO HAZELNUT AWARD CONTEST”, an award aimed to support and improve research and innovation in the hazelnut world in all its aspects.

Awards totalling to a value of €160,000 will be given to the participants who propose the best and potentially applicable project ideas, according to an evaluation grid rewarding innovation, sustainability, transferability, and timeframe applicability.

The participants – PhDs and researchers of universities and other non-profit institutions of research and higher education of the whole world – can choose among four topics related to the improvement, innovation, sustainability and new strategies in hazelnut cultivation and develop their research or development plan in one of these areas.

Their proposal will be evaluated by an external, international and fully independent Scientific Commission, established at the prestigious Italian University “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza” and coordinated by Professor Lorenzo Morelli, Dean Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science.

At ExpoMilano 2015, where it presents its corporate social responsibility initiatives, Ferrero will offer the three winners a “Special Award package” composed of: participation at the Ferrero Hazelnut Award Ceremony planned for mid-September at the Exposition site; the Universal Exposition visit; a visit of the Ferrero factory in Alba (CN); a visit to the hazelnut orchards and related agricultural processing activities in the area.

This grant further confirms the Ferrero Group’s constant commitment to the highest quality and innovation, and its strong engagement towards sustainable agricultural practices and the protection of the environment, all key elements of its global success.

The application is available on the website Ferrero Hazelnut Company and the deadline for the submission is June 30th. Visit the website for more details about the project, the application procedures and the guidelines for the submission of the project idea.

История Ferrero началась в 1946 году в маленьком городке Альба в Пьемонте (Италия). Ferrero является одной из крупнейших компаний по производству сладких упакованных продуктов, в ассортимент которой входит более 35 всемирно известных брендов, представленных более чем в 170 странах. Группа Ferrero радует потребителей по всему миру своими уникальными продуктами, такими как Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac® и Ferrero Rocher®. Более 47 тысяч сотрудников создают высококачественные продукты Ferrero, которые сделают ваши особые моменты незабываемыми. Семейная культура Ferrero, уже в третьем поколении, основана на стремлении к качеству и совершенству, сохранении традиций и заботе о планете и сообществам, в которых мы работаем.