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30 Nov 2021
2 min read



WWF’s recognition underscores Ferrero’s commitments and actions to “go beyond” already high certification standards, as evidenced by its latest Palm Oil Action Plan.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released the 2021 edition of its Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard, with Ferrero leading at the forefront among 227 global companies, securing a3rd position overall and 1st among all manufacturers. This marks the sixth edition of WWF’s scorecard assessing global companies measuring their concrete actions and progress across various industries.

Paving The Way

In 2015, we were one of the first global companies to source sustainable palm oil that is 100% RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) Certified Segregated and traceable back to plantations.

We go beyond the already high certification requirements that address the industry's complexities through initiatives guided by our latest Palm Oil Charter. The Charter focuses on three key areas:

  • Human Rights & Social Practices
  • Environmental Protection & Sustainability
  • Supplier Transparency

Additionally, we are active members of POIG (Palm Oil Innovation Group) and HCSA (High Carbon Stock Approach).

“With the understanding that there are many complex issues to be addressed within the palm oil industry, working towards developing a more responsible supply chain for us is a top priority, not only for palm oil but all our raw materials. For this reason, we are proud that WWF has again recognised our commitments and concrete actions to help shape a better future together.” Mario Abreu, Ferrero's Head of CSR and Sustainability

The Ferrero Palm Oil Action Plan

Following the recent WWF Scorecard announcement, we are taking the next step to go beyond sourcing 100% RSPO Certified Segregated palm oil. We have published our Action Plan, which outlines specific steps we are taking to fulfil our commitments outlined in the Palm Oil Charter.

Some of the strategic measures outlined in our Palm Oil Action Plan include:          

Human Rights & Social Practices - implementing Programs to improve smallholders’ working conditions and build resilience.

Environmental Protection & Sustainability - actively protecting standing forests and/or restoring natural forest areas to generate positive carbon and biodiversity impacts in partnership with our suppliers.

Supplier Transparency - working towards achieving full traceability for all sourcing to the estate level by leveraging innovative technologies such as the Starling satellite monitoring tool.

Ferrero’s Palm Oil Action Plan outlines how our company is holistically implementing concrete initiatives that support our responsible palm oil supply chain commitments. By working closely with our suppliers and partners, we are upholding full compliance standards through a continuous improvement approach to responsible sourcing that aims to help generate environmental, economic and social benefits for all. Marco Gonçalves, Ferrero's Chief Procurement & Hazelnut Company Officer.



Ферреро өзінің саяхатын 1946 жылы Италияның Пьемонт қаласындағы Альба шағын қаласында бастады. Бүгінде бұл 170-тен астам елде сатылатын 35-тен астам танымал брендтері бар әлемдегі ең ірі тәтті оралған азық-түлік компанияларының бірі. Ferrero компаниялар тобы Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac® және Ferrero Rocher®сияқты сүйікті тағамдар мен тағамдар арқылы бүкіл әлемдегі адамдарға қуаныш сыйлайды. Collaborators компаниясының 47 000-нан астам қызметкері адамдарға өмірдің ерекше сәттерін атап өтуге көмектесуге құмар. Ferrero Group отбасылық мәдениеті, қазірдің өзінде үшінші ұрпақ, біз жұмыс істейтін планета мен қауымдастықтарға сапа мен кемелдікке, мұраға және адалдыққа ұмтылуға негізделген.