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22 Jun 2017
2 min read



On 22 June, Ferrero received the ESMT Responsible Leadership Award. Representatives of Ferrero Germany accepted the award in Berlin. The award was presented in a festive ceremony by Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) as well as Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG.

The ESMT Responsible Leadership Award recognises exceptional conduct in leadership with respect to responsible business practices. This year, Ferrero was honoured for its exceptional commitment to greater sustainability in the palm oil sector.

Marco Vollmar, member of the management board of WWF Germany, emphasised in his laudation: “A handful of companies are delivering proof that good practices are possible in palm oil cultivation. Ferrero is very clearly one of them. Ferrero can trace the origin of almost 100 percent of the used palm oil directly back to the plantation. As a member of the Palm Oil Innovation Group, the company commits with stricter cultivation standards than the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil, for instance”.

Ferrero was greatly delighted over the award. During the ceremony Ferrero representatives emphasised that acting responsibly and socially has a long tradition with Ferrero. “At an early stage Ferrero has made a strong commitment to sustainable palm oil and has set ambitious goals”, they said. “In doing so, the company champions sustainability in cultivation and production, as well as in improving conditions in producer countries”. The recognition of Ferrero’s commitment is a confirmation of the chosen path and encourages the company to expedite the use of sustainable palm oil.

Previous winners of the ESMT Responsible Leadership Award included Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, and the former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti.

Ферреро өзінің саяхатын 1946 жылы Италияның Пьемонт қаласындағы Альба шағын қаласында бастады. Бүгінде бұл 170-тен астам елде сатылатын 35-тен астам танымал брендтері бар әлемдегі ең ірі тәтті оралған азық-түлік компанияларының бірі. Ferrero компаниялар тобы Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac® және Ferrero Rocher®сияқты сүйікті тағамдар мен тағамдар арқылы бүкіл әлемдегі адамдарға қуаныш сыйлайды. Collaborators компаниясының 47 000-нан астам қызметкері адамдарға өмірдің ерекше сәттерін атап өтуге көмектесуге құмар. Ferrero Group отбасылық мәдениеті, қазірдің өзінде үшінші ұрпақ, біз жұмыс істейтін планета мен қауымдастықтарға сапа мен кемелдікке, мұраға және адалдыққа ұмтылуға негізделген.