Climate Action
Nuestro objetivo es reducir anualmente nuestra huella de carbono meadiante la medición y la fabricación de nuestros productos para que sean más eficientes energéticamente en nuestras operaciones globales, y colaborando con nuestros proveedores para reducir las emisiones y desarrollar soluciones con un menor impacto de carbono en toda nuestra cadena de suministro.
Clear Targets
As a global company in the food and beverage industry, we play an important role in helping meet the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit average global temperatures.
The current climate emergency requires businesses to show their commitment towards reducing carbon emissions and helping to tackle climate change. We have been involved in climate action for decades, and are accelerating our efforts. In 2020 we launched a new set of science-based commitments for 2030:
- Reduce by 50% emissions from our plants, warehouses and offices, as well as from the energy we purchase (scope 1 and 2)*.
- Reduce by 43% all emissions from operations and across our supply chain (scope 1, 2, and 3) per tonne of product produced*.
In December 2020, both targets were validated by the independent Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). The SBTi has confirmed that Ferrero’s targets for reducing emissions are in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement.
*from 2018 as a base year.
To achieve our first target to reduce emissions from our operations, we are investing in energy-efficient technologies, increasing on-site renewable energy production, and aiming to use alternative sustainable fuels to generate energy.
As part of our second target, we are working with our suppliers to reduce emissions and develop solutions with a lower carbon impact. We are setting local reduction targets for transport and warehousing to optimise our supply chain logistics. In addition, we follow the standards of the Global Logistic Emissions Council, a voluntary coalition of over 150 organisations working to reduce emissions and improve efficiency across global supply chains.
We have been measuring our total carbon footprint annually for the past decade to identify the impact of our activities, from raw materials to the use of our products. A clear picture of our impact across the value chain helps us to identify how to reduce our emissions and plan specific strategic projects.
Energy efficiency is our main lever for reducing emissions while reducing costs and improving the performance of our operations. We are making good progress to reach our aim, purchasing only 100% renewable electricity for our manufacturing sites.
At the end of fiscal year 2021/22, 18 plants used 100% renewable electricity from the grid. This accounts for around 92% of the electricity we purchase for all our manufacturing sites worldwide.
With climate change increasing pressure on water resources, especially in water-stressed areas, we are committed to using water sustainably.
While our products are not water intensive, our operations require water for cooling and washing. Therefore, all our factories have set targets for water consumption and developed projects for water saving, recycling and reuse. We guarantee, for example, the quality of the wastewater coming from our operations through treatment plants – either municipal or our own using the best available technologies and reusing water where possible.

“ It is our responsibility as an industry to be part of the solution by limiting our carbon footprint and working together with all partners in our supply chain to take concrete actions in tackling climate change."
Mario Abreu, Head of Sustainability at Ferrero.