Human Rights
Cuidar de las personas que trabajan para y con Ferrero está profundamente arraigado en nuestros valores como empresa familiar.
Our Commitment
Alongside our Company values, our respect for human rights guides our strategy, policy and activities throughout our operations and supply chain. Respecting and protecting the human rights of each individual in our company and the communities where we operate has always been at our core.
Ferrero follows a due diligence-based approach to Human Rights to prevent and mitigate any adverse impact on our operations. It is guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Fundamental Labour Conventions.
Human rights issues are broad and complex. Addressing them requires a multi-pronged approach. Ferrero's Human Rights Policy Statement sets out our response to these issues and our approach to working on these together with our employees, business partners and other people that deal with Ferrero.
Ferrero's Human Rights Policy Statement builds on our Code of Ethics, which outlines our ethical vision, principles, values and responsibilities as a company.
Our Code of Business Conduct outlines Ferrero’s guiding principles for responsible business practices, and the Ferrero Supplier Code highlights our expectations for responsible sourcing for all our suppliers.
To increase the transparency of our initiatives and actions to promote Human Rights in our operations and our supply chain, we worked on our first Human Rights Report. The Report is structured around the ten salient issues identified in our Human Rights Policy Statement and is aligned with the UNGPs Reporting Framework.
- Child protection and no child labour
- Forced labour
- Fair wages
- Working hours
- Diversity and inclusion, no discrimination or harassment
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining
- Health and safety
- Privacy
- Environmental-related human rights issues
- Rights relating to consumer health and responsible marketing

" Especially across value chains, collaboration is critical to respect and promote Human Rights. We source agricultural products from hundreds of thousands of farmers worldwide. Besides having a strong due diligence across our supply chain, we work together with NGOs, governments, partners and peers to further advance practices and livelihoods."
Mario Abreu, Head of Sustainability at Ferrero.