Our Core Values
Nuestros valores fundamentales son la base de todo lo que hacemos.
Loyalty & trust
Our constant attention towards consumers’ needs is at the foundation
of our company policy, inspired by maximum transparency and excellence in quality.
Our loyalty towards consumers and their trust in our products through their everyday purchases are at the core of the long-lasting relationship we enjoy with them.
Our company practices are based on mutual trust between colleagues and complete dedication and transparency towards the Group and all civil society stakeholders with whom we interact daily.
Respect & responsibility
Based on our respect for the principle of equality of treatment, we promote the professional and personal development of our human resources. This also reinforces our strong ties with the local communities in the territories where we operate.
We are committed to avoiding discrimination in our employment practices in all the companies of our Group, starting from the initial moment of recruitment. The primary goal of our employment strategy
is to establish long-lasting relations inspired by the principles of professional growth and recognition of merit.
We guarantee our employees the freedom to belong to trade unions,
and we recognise the role of unions in contractual matters.
The protection of human health and the respect for the environment is at the core of our operational practices. We manage our facilities by using sustainable resources, such as water, energy, and raw and other materials, including renewable resources. In addition, we strive to reduce our environmental impact in all forms, mainly by reducing emissions, eliminating waste and correctly managing waste products.
We support the protection of human dignity, as well as the absolute and unconditional respect of human rights, wherever the Ferrero Group companies operate.
We are determined to eliminate and prevent all forms of forced labour and child labour across our supply chains.
Integrity & moderation
Our communications with consumers, including advertising, respect the values of human dignity, family and children, in line with our moral and ethical principles. They are based on advising the proper use of our products and are inspired by promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Our advocacy practices towards International, National and Local Institutions are based on solid scientific knowledge and are constantly inspired by intellectual and behavioural integrity and transparency.
Passion for quality, research and innovation
We aim to create unique products, develop innovative research and production processes, and use our technologies. For us, the aspects that make this journey enjoyable are the passion for research, the desire to break down pre-existing paradigms and the exploration of new places far from the traditional fenced-in disciplines.
We apply consolidated quality and traceability procedures to preserve our raw materials' organoleptic and nutritional characteristics.
A fundamental element of our success is carefully selecting the highest quality raw materials, sourced with full respect for a strict ethical code concerning their origin, harvesting and manufacturing.
Within the global context of growing attention to themes such as nutrition and physical activity, we focus our research strategy and our production investments on the creation of high-quality products, carefully developed in terms of their nutritional value and portioning so that they can be integrated into a balanced diet, with particular attention to the needs of children and families.
This entrepreneurship can be linked to the word “initiative”, a value that in itself embodies the concepts of enterprise and entrepreneurship, that impulse to act on one’s own initiative in order to maximise results.
The difference between a brilliant strategy and success lies in the ability to establish a clear vision, in being proactive with your investments, in being timely with your undertakings, in being excellent in your execution.
The Ferrero Group has seen such success because of its solid and deeply rooted culture of “learning by doing”. A crucial element of sustainability in Ferrero’s model is the accumulation of technical skills and knowledge of products, markets, and consumers over time that guide us from “creating value” to strengthening the “value of creation”.
A great collective entity animated by a trust in progress and by the ability to envision a tomorrow that is better than today. This is because the world will always be conquered by those who desire success and affirmation, and those that have the determination to continuously seek excellence.
Work, Create, Donate – the Ferrero Foundation
We identify ourselves with the motto, 'Work, Create, Donate', conceived and introduced by Michele Ferrero at the very beginning of his business pursuits. In essence, we favour the 'ethics of doing' over the 'practice of appearing'.
This same philosophy has inspired, and still inspires:
- The Ferrero Foundation, devoted to maintaining the Group’s relations with its retirees through social and cultural programmes, as well as to strengthening ties with the local communities in which we operate;
- The “Progetto Imprenditoriale Michele Ferrero”, based on investments and use of the deriving resources to improve the living conditions of the communities of developing countries, with particular attention on children;
- The whole Ferrero Group which is constantly engaged in social responsibility activities, as an integral part of our own way of being and of operating, since the very beginning.

Ferrero has been built by generations of people who share this commitment – commitment that translates to the pursuit of our business objectives without losing sight of our guiding principles.
Giovanni Ferrero, Executive Chairman